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Simply hold PIRATE COIN in your wallet and you might win Trillions! The more you buy the more Chances of Winning Treasures.

Slippage: 7-9%
Contract: 0x041640ea980e3fe61e9c4ca26d9007bc70094c15

The treasure is randomly forwarded to a fortunate PirateCoin holder. The more chances when you buy more tokens the more treasure you will find.

Draw #: 1000
Find: 10 Trillion PirateCoin
Treasure Pool: 0.37 Trillion+

Fair Launch

100 quadrillion

Anti Whale

No more than 1%

Liquidity Locked

LP has been locked

Circulation Supply


1% of every transaction. The treasure is randomly forwarded to a fortunate Pirate Coin holder. More chances you buy the more treasure you will find. A random value for each holder is used in the contract.

Every trade made through Piratecoin will contribute 3% towards automatically generating liquidity.

We aim to ensure that PirateCoin receives the maximum exposure possible in order to foster a vibrant community.

Our objective is to contribute to many organizations that clean marine litter. Save the planet we will contribute 2%.

PirateCoin delivers the entire pirate experience, from sailing and battling to exploring and stealing. All you need to live the pirate life and be a legend in your own way. With no fixed roles, you have total flexibility to approach the environment, and other players, however you wish.


Become a fearsome Pirate Raider and lead your tribe away from PirateCoin Island’s rough shores to a new home. Explore a gorgeous, mysterious open world filled with brutal opponents, raid fortifications, establish your clan’s new settlement, and create alliances in order to gain renown and a place on Skull Island.

A lush and untamed land lurks beneath the chaos, waiting for a new conqueror. Is it going to be you?